Our Philosophy
Marketing is both a science and an art. It takes a careful handling of data along with a well crafted strategy to serve your customers well. At Storytell, we build, test, and analyze. Then repeat.
Our Conviction
Artists can design something beautiful. Writers can move people to belief, to action, to enjoyment. Chefs can make food so good that stomachs will smile. Tech startups can solve the world’s problems.
However, if you don’t know how to introduce the world to what you have, you may not make it. That’s the job of the marketer. That’s the goal of StoryTell: To celebrate the role of a marketer.
We’re the invitation that goes out, the strategy that compels, the ad that convicts. We’re here to help people make great decisions. Let’s use creativity, strategy, and teamwork to do just that. Display to the world the importance of what you have.
Our Method
The Lean Startup is our Bible. We Build. We Test. We Analyze. We Adjust. We Repeat. We've seen this work over and over again and want to leverage our experience for the growth of your business.